Business Micros has cemented its position as the industry’s favourite Digital Specialist, with an unprecedented fourth National Fenestration Award in a row.
At the end of a year when online connectivity was more important than ever, the company’s customers and colleagues showed just how much they appreciated the work done by Business Micros by voting for them in the online poll.
Nick Bailey, Business Micros’ Business Development Manager, was delighted with the win: “As we all know, it’s harder to retain the title than it is to win it, so to retain it for four consecutive years is a massive achievement. We’d like to thank every single person who took the time to vote for us and remind them that we’ve got an even bigger year planned for 2021.”
January 6 2021 will see the opening of the online BM TOUCH Store, when the Business Micros group will start the roll out of its new TOUCH software platform. The first product available to purchase will be the TOUCH Vendor lead generation software for installers.
More details are at: